On 28 and 29 October, The European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) is co-organising in Rome the showcase event on “Synergies for integrated care” in collaboration with the Joint Action on increasing Capacity building for National Focal Points – JA NFP4Health, the Horizon Europe Partnership for Transforming HealthCare Systems – THCS, the Joint Action on cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and diabetes – JACARDI and the Horizon Europe Health National Contact Points HNN3.0.
The event aims to deepen the strategic vision of the topic of integrated, cardiovascular disease prevention, diabetes and mental health. Furthermore, the topic of synergies and ‘transfer from policy to practice’ will be focused on through an interactive approach in parallel sessions. The National Focal Points and National Contact Points representatives of the EU4Health and Horizon Europe Programmes will play a key role in involving stakeholders in order to stimulate synergetic actions and support the implementation of the Programmes.
The event will be held in English.
Practical information
Monday 28 October, 14:00 – 18:00 (CEST)
Tuesday 29 October, 9:30 – 16:30 (CEST)
Spazio Europa, Via Quattro Novembre, 149, 00187 Rome (IT)
Session information: topics and speakers – October 28
The first plenary session will focus on Integrated Care, and it will be chaired by Marina Zanchi (Director, HaDEA) with an overview on synergies between EU funding programmes managed by the Agency. Presentations will follow by Marco Marsella (Director, Directorate ‘Digital, EU4Health and Health systems modernisation’, DG SANTE), Arjon Van Hengel (Deputy Head of Unit, ‘Health Innovations’, DG RTD), Beatrice Formenti (JA JACARDI, Project manager, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS), and Laura Motta (Coordination Team THCS, Universita’ del Sacro Cuore).
The following session will be a panel discussion on integrated care to prevent and address NCDs (i.e., cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity), moderated by Graziano Onder, Scientific Coordinator JA JACARDI, Full Professor at the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS. A number of initiatives will be featured, including: JA PreventNCDs, represented by Linda Granlund (Divisional Director Public Health and Prevention, The Norwegian Directorate of Health); JA CARE4Diabetes, represented by Marta Maria Pisano Gonzalez (Head of Health Care Department, Asturias Ministry of Health – CSPA); JA CIRCE, represented by Ana Maria Carriazo Perez De Guzman (Servicio Andaluz De Salud); JA Health4EUKids, represented by Apostolos Vantarakis (Professor, Department of Public Health, University of Patras), DigiCare4You (H2020), represented by Yannis Manios (Professor, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, School of Health Science & Education, Harokopio University); MELISSA (Horizon Europe), represented by Bastiaan de Galan (Scientific Coordinator, Universiteit Maastricht); the ERA4Health Cofund partnership (call on CARDINNOV), represented by Aldo Covello (Programme Officer, Italian Ministry for Universities and Research – MUR); JA JADECARE, represented by Ane Fullaondo Zabala (Scientific Director, Instituto de Investigación en Sistemas de Salud Biosistemak).
The final section will feature a wrap-up by 1 NFP and 1 NCP also reflecting on their respective experiences on synergies.
Session information: topics and speakers – October 29
The plenary session will focus on Mental Health in all policies, and it will be chaired by Gemma Calamandrei (Director, Center of Reference for Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità). Presentations will follow by Florina Telea (Head of Unit ‘EU4Health Grants’, HaDEA), and Sibilla Laura Neimane (JA MENTOR Project manager, Riga Centre of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine – RPNC).
The following session will be a panel discussion on integrated care for mental health, moderated by Ugo Guarnacci (Assistant to the Director, HaDEA). A number of initiatives will be featured, including: JA PreventNCDs, represented by Knut Jønsrud (Project Manager, The Norwegian Directorate of Health); JA MENTOR, represented by Liene Sīle (Head of the Education and Research Department, Riga Centre of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine – RPNC); the CSA BrainHealth (Horizon Europe), represented by Hella Lichtenberg (German Aerospace Center DLR); R2D2-MH (Horizon Europe), represented by Thomas Bourgeror (Coordinator, Institut Pasteur/Giuseppe Testa, Head of Neurogenomics Research Centre at Human Technopole in Milan).
Stéphane Hogan (Head of Unit ‘Health Research’, HaDEA) will moderate the wrap up section.
The final section of the event will feature two interactive Parallel Sessions: breakout rooms on Translating synergies on integrated care into practice.