Established by Regulation (EU) 2021/522, EU4Health brings an EU added value and complements the policies of the Member States to pursue four general objective representing the ambitions of the programme and ten specific objectives representing the areas of intervention:

  • Improve and foster health:
    • Health promotion and disease prevention, in particular, cancer;
    • International health initiatives and cooperation.
  • Protect people:
    • Prevention, preparedness and response to cross-border health threats;
    • Complementing national stockpiling of essential crisis-relevant products;
    • Establishing a reserve of medical, healthcare and support staff.
  • Access to medicinal products, medical devices and crisis-relevant products:
    • Ensuring that these products are accessible, available and affordable;
  • Strengthen health systems:
    • Reinforcing health data, digital tools and services, digital transformation of healthcare;
    • Enhancing access to healthcare;
    • Developing and implementing EU health legislation and evidence-based decision making;
    • Integrated work among national health systems.


The implementation of actions is managed directly by the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) or by Directorate-General European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (DG HERA) of the Commission unless specified otherwise.
The funding, in the form of grants and procurement, will be provided directly by the Commission or by the Health and Digital Executive Agency – HaDEA.



Joint Actions

The Member State participating in the Program is fully responsible for implementing the designation procedure

Each State participating in the EU4Health Program can nominate only one Associate Partner / Competent Authority for each JA, who will sign the grant agreement and become one the direct beneficiary.


APPOINTING the participating organization.


The application phase is started with the invitation letter from the European Commission to the various Member States, requiring to appoint the Organizations participating in the Joint Actions and ends at the deadline for submitting nominations.


PREPARING the proposal


The preparation phase of the proposal starts when the application phase is finished. In the preparation phase of the proposal, the designated competent authorities may involve other entities to carry out collaborative activities. Such cooperation can be ensured through the following types of participation: Affiliated entities, Subcontractors, Collaborating stakeholders. These participants do not sign the agreement.


Affiliated entities are the Bodies / Organizations that have a type relationship / bond legal / corporate. Alternatively, Bodies / Organizations without previous ties can take on the role of Affiliated entities of a single new entity called “sole beneficiary” (“sole beneficiary”), specifically established for the purpose of implementing the joint action to be financed. The sole beneficiary entity must comply with the eligibility, non-exclusion and selection criteria and it must be nominated by each State to participate on its behalf.

Only the “sole beneficiary” entity signs the Grant Agreement. The sole beneficiary entity can be legally constituted specifically for the purpose of the action or been created independently of the application.


Grants are financial contributions by way of donation by the Commission in order to finance: (a) an action intended to help achieve a Union policy objective (action grants) or (b) the functioning of a body, which has an objective forming part of, and supporting, a Union policy (operating grants).  Grants shall involve co-financing.

The award of a grant follows, in general, a call for proposals procedure.

  • The list of open calls for proposals (grants) managed by HaDEA are listed Calls can be filtered by keyword, programme, programme sector, status, opening and closing date.

To create an EU Login account, search for partners, submit your grant proposal, please see the Funding & Tenders Portal.


Procurement is the acquisition of a service by the Commission from an economic operator, which is selected following a call for tenders’ procedure.

  • The list of open calls for tenders (procurement) managed by HaDEA are listed here. Calls can be filtered by keyword, programme, programme sector, status, opening and closing date.

To create an EU Login account, search for partners, submit your tender, please see the Funding & Tenders Portal.