Horizon Europe – Two stage calls open for applications

The European Health and Digital Executive Agency has launched the two stage Horizon Europe call applications in the following health fields:   1: Staying healthy 2: Living in a health-promoting environment 3: Tackling diseases 4: Ensuring access to innovative healthcare 5: Making use of new tools & technologies   Deadline: 19 September 2023   For…

Online Training JA NFP4Health: Webinar “Horizon Europe Cluster Health – Funding Opportunities in the framework of Work Programmes 2023-2024” 18.04.2023

In the framework of the JA NFP4Health’s Activities, the next appointment of the Training Online will be organized on the next 18 April (11am-12.30pm). The Webinar intends to introduce Horizon Europe, the European Framework Program for Research And Innovation (2021-2027) by presenting its context, structure, funding schemes and the main rules for participation, with particular attention to open…