Online Training JA NFP4Health: “The Technical Support Instrument – Supporting the design and implementation of health reforms” 06.06.23

In the framework of the JA NFP4Health Training Programme Online, registrations are open for the next webinar online “The Technical Support Instrument – Supporting the design and implementation of health reforms” that will be organized on the next 6th June – 10:30am-12:00pm. The Webinar is aiming at providing an overview of the Techical Support Instrument…

Online Training JA NFP4Health: “European Structural and Investments Funds – Focus on Health” 30.05.23

In the framework of the JA NFP4Health Training Programme Online, registrations are open for the next webinar online “European Structural and Investments Funds – Focus on Health” that will be organized on the next 30th May – 11:00am-12:30pm. The Webinar intends to introduce a general overview of the Cohesion Policies which contribute to strengthening economic,…

Online training JA NFP4Health “NFP Profile: a practical tool for defining EU4Health NFPS key characteristics and peculiarities to implement EU4Health Programme” – 24.11.2022

The Joint Action on increasing the capacity of National Focal Points (NFPs) – NFP4Health, funded under the European Public Health Programme, aims to contribute at creating an innovative, sustainable, and coherent network of National Focal Points that will increase the capacity of Member States to design and create sustainable actions to promote the achievement of the…